Find out more about CTE in local Butte County Schools using our map
Each location has information about each school's website, available CTE program information and links to school social media pages.
>> Click on a school icon to learn more
>> To expand the map, click on the brackets in the upper right corner of the map
Want to add information about YOUR school to our map? Email us at [email protected]!
Each location has information about each school's website, available CTE program information and links to school social media pages.
>> Click on a school icon to learn more
>> To expand the map, click on the brackets in the upper right corner of the map
Want to add information about YOUR school to our map? Email us at [email protected]!
Butte County Schools - Websites
Go directly to any school's website using the links below.
Go directly to any school's website using the links below.
Butte County Office of Education Schools:
Butte County Grades 9-12 Schools: