Meet Laurel Bechtold, our new High School ROP Medical and Hospital Careers teacher! Laurel is excited to be in this new position where she gets to combine three of her favorite things- medicine, teaching, and teenagers! Her primary medical background as a surgical technologist is enhanced with experience in medical assisting, phlebotomy, medical sales, and work as a school health aide. All three of Laurel’s own kids were inspired tremendously through CTE pathways, so she can’t wait to help her students discover what they are passionate about! NEW: Medical and Hospital Careers Course
Butte County CTE is now providing a new CTE Patient Care pathway for BCOE high school students on our site! Medical and Hospital Careers (MHC) is designed to expose high school students to a variety of health occupations and to prepare them for the workforce. Students will learn basic knowledge and skills and will have a hands-on learning experience. The first 14 weeks of class are spent in the classroom preparing students and laying the foundation for job site training. During this time students will participate in job shadows to help determine job site placements. Once we start job sites, students will meet in class once per week and go to sites for 3-6.5 hours per week. If you would like to learn more about this new program, email us at [email protected]. Seen in photo: Our Phlebotomy Technician instructor, Jamie Leonard, serving as a guest speaker. |